TECNODİECİ Oliving mining is a rather new procces when compared to the other minerals. Olivine mining function in very critical positions for both it’s chemical and physical properties in Iron&Steel, Casting, Sand Blasting in the developed and developing contries in the world for 20-25 years.
Olivine consumption has incread to a large extent as both for the prohibition of free silica content materials’ in developed contries for environment, healt concerns and for being more economical when compared to the alternative products intended to be used instead of olivine. (In Turkey, the usage of the products and raw material containing free silica has been prohibited in 2009 by the Ministry of Health.)
Olivine as a terms stands for the medium silcate grup containing the mixture of Forsterite (Mg2SiO4) and Fayalite (Fe2SiO4) and economically usable olivine products generally containes %95 Fosterite.
Olivine is known for it’s colours green/dark green and the hardness which is around 6.5-7 in mohs scale. The density is variable in accordance with the Fe content of the product between 3.22-4.49 gr/cm3. Olivine is find in ultra basic rocks. Olivine mineral is one of the first minerals that is cyristalized in magma. In ultrabasic rocks are mostly composed of dünite olivine. Percentage of olivine in dunites is around %95-99. Industrily usable olivine contatains chemical levels of MgO %46 min., SiO2 %38-42 max and Fe % 7-8 min. Also the total percentage of the other metal oxides needs to be under %3 and the loss on ignition value %2 max.
Advantages of TECNODİECİ Olivine EBT products
- Having a free opening success rate above %98. With the high MgO content, the product is durable to the 1760 Cº (3200 Fº)
- With the production techniques special to us, grain sape is not angular but round which provides TECNODİECİ. Olivine EBT sand the fluidity and help the sinter free, tap hole openings.
- High quality olivine sand helps the user saving from time and labour.
- Every single sizing for EBT applications, percentegaes of distribution is engineered in accordance with long years of experimental acquisitions. There happens no gap between the grains in order to avoid any kind of molten steel leakage from the tap hole which is also a cause of the sintering of the grains and decreases the free opening rates.
- Tecnodieci Olivine EBT sand the routine quality controls starts from the mine deposit which prevents the unqualifed material delivered to the plant. Also, the chemical controls of the products is cnstantly made during the production and at the ports.

MgO % 47-51 Synonyms :Dunite,Peridotite
SiO2 % 38-41 Colour : Dark Green
Fe2O3 % 7-9 Grain Shape :Sharp ,angular
CaO % 0.2-0.8 Density :3,3 gr/cm3
AL2O3+TiO2. % 1.8-2.0 Hardness :6,5-7,0 Mohs
L.O.I % max.1.5 Index of Refrac. :1,63-1,69
Mellting Point :1760 C
Initial Sintering :1450 C
pH :>9
Product size: Product size: Product size:
0-1 mm 0-1 mm 1-5 mm
1-2 mm 1-3 mm 2-6 mm
1-3 mm 2-8 mm
3-8 mm
4-8 mm
MgO % 47-50
SiO2 % 38-41
Fe2O3 % 7-9
CaO % 0.2-0.8
AL2O3+TiO2. % 1.8-2.0
L.O.I % max.1.5